Wednesday, September 3, 2014


435. An Adjective Clause does the work of an Adjective. It qualifies some Noun or Pronoun
        in the Main Clause.

       1). He who controls his anger is wise.
       2). They ate all the fruit which we had gathered.

436. Connectives of the Adjective Clause. An Adjective Clause is introduced by a Relative
        Pronoun or a Relative Adverb; as,

        1) Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.
        2) This is the house that Jack built.
        3) She is a woman whom we all respect.
        4) What is the name of the town where he was born ?
        5) The time when the train leaves is not known to me.
        6) The reason why he failed is obvious.
        7) I have found the place that you told me of.
        8) The country wherein they dwelt was fertile.

437. Remarks.---

   (1) The nature of English language frequently allows the Relative Pronoun or the
         Relative Adverb to be omitted when it is in the Objective Case, but not otherwise ; as ,

        (*) The house I left ( = which I left ) was a good one.
        (*) Where's the watch ( which ) your father gave you ?
        (*) This is the boy ( whom ) I know well.
        (*) That is the room ( which ) I slept in.
        (*) On the day ( when ) you are married you will get this present.
        (*) The reason ( why ) I have returned is that I felt my purse behind.

     (2) Sometimes, however , a Relative Pronoun is said to introduce a Co-ordinate

       (*) I met your servant, who (= and he ) told me about your illness. [ Here the
            Clause, who told me about your illness, is not an Adjective Clause, as it
            does not in any way identify or describe the servant. It is a Co-ordinate
      (*) Ali gave me a message, which ( = and it ) is this.
      (*) He released the bird, which ( = and it ) at once flew away.

438. Sometimes an Adjective Clause is introduced by but, where it is equivalent to a 
        Relative Pronoun followed by not ; as,

        1). There are few of us but love and honour him.
             [ That is, who do not love and honour him. ]

        2). There was not a man but shed tears at his death.
             [ That is, who did not shed tears at his death.]

        3). There was not a soldier but fought bravely.
             [ That is, who did not fight breavely. ]

        4). Nor was there a man in the whole crowd but was prepared to die for his sake.
             [ That is, who was not prepared to die for his sake.]

        5). And not a soldier of the three thousand at Marathon but died at his post.
             [ That is, who did not die at his post. ]

439. As is used a Relative Pronoun in such expression as such  as, the same as :--

        1). It was such a day as I have rarely seen in England.
        2). It was such a sight as I had never seen before.
        3). I want the same kind of watch as I have lost.
        4). You saw the same places as we saw last year.

440. Sometimes than is used as a preposition before a Relative Pronoun in the 
        Adjective Clause ; as,

        1). We will follow Gandhiji than whom India knew no better leader.
        2). They stabbed Caesar than whom no mightier dictator ever ruled Rome.
        3). It was a deed than which no nobler was ever done.
        4). At last they came to a spot than which their eyes had seldom seen a lovelier.