Saturday, January 1, 2011


trbidi="on">                                        CHAPTER-36

                           1.Words showing Collection

364.Study carefully the following words denoting group or collection:---

1. An army of soldiers.
2. An assembly of people.
3. A bale of cotton or wool.
4. A board of trustees,directors.
5. A bunch of grapes,bananas,flowers,keys.
6. A bundle of sticks,hay.
7. A class of students,persons.
8. A collection of stamps,coins,curiosities.
9. A company of soldiers,merchants.
10.A congregation of worshippers.
11.A garland of flowers.
12.A group of figures(in a picture),persons,islands.
13.A heap of stones,sand,ruins.
14.A herd of cattle,deer,goats.
15.A hive of bees.
16.A league of nations,states.
17.A library of books.
18.A mob of rioters.
19.A pack of hounds,playing cards.
20.A constellation of stars.
21.A course of lectures.
22.A crew of sailors.
23.A crowd of people.
24.A curriculum of studies.
25.A fleet of ships.
26.A flight of birds,stairs,or steps.
27.A flock of birds,sheep,geese.
28.A gang of prisoners,robbers,thieves,convicts,labourers,workmen.
29.A pair of shoes,spectacles.
30.A peal of bells.
31.A regiment of soldiers.
32.A sheaf of corn,arrows.
33.A shower of arrows,rain.
34.A stack of hay.
35.A stock of goods.
36.A swarm of flies,bees,ants.
37.A team of horses,oxen or players(in games like cricket,foot ball or hockey).
38. A band of singers,musicians.



365. Certain words are formed from other Nouns to express smallness.affection
        or contempt.Such words are called Diminutives.Study the following
        Diminutives :--

>) Ankle:Anklet
>) Arm: Armlet
>) Babe: Baby
>) Bird: Birdie
>) Book : Booklet
>) Brook : Brooklet
>) Bull : Bullock
>) Cat : Kitten
>) Cigar : Cigarette
>) Cock : Chicken
>) Crown : Coronet
>) Duck : Duckling
>) Hill  : Hillock
>) Kitchen : Kitchenette
>) Leaf : Leaflet
>) Maid : Maiden
>) Owl : Owlet
>) Pack : Packet
>) Part : Particle
>) Ring : Ringlet
>) River : Rivulet
>) Root : Rootlet
>) Shade : Shadow
>) Stream : Streamlet

        3. Words Indicating Offspring of Animals

366. Study carefully the following :--

>) Bear : Cub
>) Cow : Calf
>) Cat  : Kitten
>) Dog  : Puppy,pup
>) Duck : Duckling
>) Goat : Kid
>) Horse : Colt,foal ,filly
>) Hen    : Chicken
>) Lion   : Whelp
>) Sheep : Lamb
>) Stag   : Fawn
>) Tiger,Wolf : Cub

              4. Words  Expressing cries of Various Animals and Birds

367. Different words are used to express the cries of different animals and birds.

>) Asses >> bray.
>) Bears >>  growl.
>) Bees >> hum.
>) Birds >>  sing,twitter,chrip or warble.
>) Bulls(oxen) >> bellow.
>) camels >> grunt.
>) Cats >> mew,purr.
>) Cattle >> low.
>) Cocks >> crow.
>) Cows >> caw.
>) Crows >> caw.
>) Dogs >> bark,yelp,or howl.
>) Doves >> coo.
>) Ducks >> quack.
>) Elephants >> trumpet.
>) Flies >> buzz.
>) Foxes >> yelp,bark.
>) Frogs >> croak.
>) Geese >> cackle.
>) Goats >> bleat.
>) Hens >> cackle.
>) Horses >> neigh.
>) Jackals >> howl.
>) Kittens >> mew.
>) Lambs >> bleat.
>) Lions >>  roar.
>) Mice >> squeak.
>) Monkeys >> chatter,gibber.
>) Owls >> hoot,screech.
>) Parrots >> talk.
>) Pigeons >> coo.
>) Serpents(snakes)>> hiss.
>) Sheep >> bleat.
>) Sparrows >> chirp,twitter.
>) Squirrels >> squeak.
>) Swallows >> twitter.
>) Tigers >> roar,growl.
>) Vultures >> scream.
>) Wolves >> howl.

      5. Some Commonplace Comparisons

368. Study carefully the following idiomatic comparisons :--

1. As black as coal.
2. As blind as a bat.
3. As bold as brass.
4. As brave as a lion.
5. As busy as a bee.
6. As cold as ice.
7. As dry as dust.
8. As dumb as a statue.
9. As fair as a rose.
10. As fast as a hare.
11. AS firm as a rock.
12. As fierce as a tiger.
13. As gentle as a lamb.
14. As green as grass.
15. As happy as a king.
16. As hard as a stone.
17. As heavy as lead.
18. As hot as fire.
19. As merry as a cricket.
20. As pale as death.
21. As proud as a peacock.
22. As regular as a clock.
23. As sharp as a needle.
24. As stupid or dull as an ass or a donkey.
25. As sure as death.
26. As sweet as honey.
27. As swift as an arrow,lightning or thought.
28. As timid as a hare.
29. As white as snow.
30. As wise as Solomon.

                                        6. Antonyms

369. Words having opposite or contrary meaning are called Antonyms.
         Study the following Antonyms :--

1. Above *  below
2. Accept * refuse
3. Advantage * Disadvantage
4. Agree * Differ
5. Arrival * Departure
6. Artificial * Natural
7. Attack * Defend,perfect
8 Barren * fertile
9. Base * Noble
10. Beautiful * Ugly
11. Beginning * End
12. Belief * Doubt,disbelief
13. Bitter * Sweet
14. Blunt,dull * Sharp,keen
15. Bold * Timid
16. Bravery * Cowardice
17. Bright * Dull
18. Broad * Narrow
19. Care * Neglect
20. Cheap * Dear,expensive
21. Cheerful * Cheerless
22. Clean * Dirty
23. Clever * Stupid
24. Confess * Deny
25. Cruel * Kind
26. Deep * Shallow
27. Difficult * Easy
28. Disease * Health
29. Dry * Wet
30. Dwarf * Giant
31. Early * Late
32. Empty * Full
33. Exterior * Interior
34. False * True
35. Far * Near
36. Fat * Thin,lean
37. Foolish * Wise
38. Fortunate * Unfortunate
39. Freedom * Slavery
40. Fresh * Stale
41. Gain * Lose,loss
42. Great * small
43. Happiness * Misery
44. Hard * Soft,easy
45. Haste * Delay
46. Heavy * Light
47. High * Low
48. Honest * Dishonest
49. Honour * Shame,dishonest
50. Hope * Despair
51. Hot * Cold
52. Humble * Haughty,proud
53. Ignorance * Knowledge
54. Import * Export
55. Important * Unimportant,trivial
56. Include * Exclude
57. Inferior * Superior
58. Inhale * Exhale
59. Joy * Sorrow
60. Junior * Senior
61. Lend * Borrow
62. Likeness * Difference
63. Long * Short
64. Loyal * Disloyal
65. Manly * Unmanly
66. Master * Servant
67. Meek * Haughty
68. Moral * Immoral
69. Mortal * Immortal
70. Negative * Positive
71. Obey * Disobey
72. Old * Young
73. Open * Shut
74. Oral * Written
75. Ordinary * Rare
76. Peace * War
77. Permanent * Temporary
78. Pleasant * Unpleasant
79. Please * Displease
80. Pleasure * Pain
81. Presence * Absence
82. Profit * Loss
83. Punctual * Late,unpunctual
84. Punish * Reward
85  Real * Unreal
86. Regular * Irregular
87. Remember * Forget
88. Rich * Poor
89. Rise * Fall,set
90. Rough * Smooth
91. Rude * Polite
92. Sharp * Dull,blunt
93. Smooth * Rough
94. Sweet * Sour
95. Thick * Thin
96. Top * Bottom
97. Verbal * Written
98. Victory * defeat
99. Virtue * Vice
100. Warm * Cool

Exercise 106. Choose the right word from the brackets to complete each sentence

1. Horses(bleat,neigh,howl).
2. Bees (caw,buzz,chirp).
3. Tortoises (leap,crawl,run).
4. Bulls (squeak,grunt,bellow).
5. Asses ( bleat,neigh,bray).
6. Bears ( howl,growl,roar).
7. Lions (hoot,growl,roar).
8. Elephants (trumpet,bellow,howl).
9. Cows (bellow,growl,low).
10. Cocks (caw,crow,croak).
11. Frogs ( croak,crow,squeal).
12. Lambs ( bark,neigh,bleat).
13. Mice (croak,whine,squeak).
14. Pigs (squeak,squeal,grunt).
15. Jackals (growl,grunt,howl).
16. Owls (whine,scream,hoot).
17. Crows (crow,caw,hoot).
18. Geese (quack,cackle,cluck).
19. Ducks (cluck,cackle,quack).
20. Serpents (squeal,hiss,buzz).

Exercise 107. From the words in brackets choose the one which best fits the simile :--

1, as gentle as a (bull,lamb,dove)
2. as brave as a (tiger,lion,bull)
3. as proud as a (hare,jackdaw,peacock)
4. as wise as an (ox,owl,elephant)
5. as slow as a (hare,snail,fox)
6. as cunning as a (jackal,fox,thief)
7. as busy as a (fly,hen,bee)
8. as stubborn as a (horse,bull,mule)
9. as slippery as an (ant,eel,ox)
10. as strong as an (ox,owl,elephant)
11. as blind as a (sparrow,bat,snail)
12. as hungry as a (hunter,lion,beggar)
13. as happy as a (prince,beggar,king)
14. as heavy as (stone,lead,iron)
15. as merry as a (prince,cricket,swallow)
16. as rich as a (king,jew,prince)
17. as sharp as a (blade,knife,needle)
18. as fast as a (lamb,goat,hare)
19. as dumb as a (stone,rock,statue)
20. as sweet as (sugar,honey,milk)

Exercise 108. Now complete each of these expressions.Choose words from
                      the box :--

| brass     velvet    thieves    crystal     cucumber    rock    feather |
| grave     rake     lightning   judge       hills             grass    glass    |
| fiddle      sky       job             gall         gold            arrow                    |

1. as cool as a -------.
2. as bold as ---------.
3. as quick as --------.
4. as fit as a ---------.
5. as firm as a -------.
6 as sober as a---------.
7. as straight as an-------.
8. as blue as the---------.
9. as smooth as -----------.
10  as light as a ------------.
11. as old as the-----.
12. as patient as ----------.
13. as thick as ------------.
14. as silent as the--------.
15. as green as -----------.
16. as bitter as -----------.
17. as clear as -----------.
18. as thin as a ----------.
19. as brittle as ----------.
20. as good as ------------.

Exercise 109. Fill in the blanks with words opposite in meaning to those in italics :--

1. A wise enemy is better than a --------friend.
2. Time makes the worst enemies--------.
3. Prosperity gains friends but-----tries them.
4. Victories of peace are more glorious than those of-------.
5. I know the beginning,and not the-----of the story.
6. Since he could not get a permanent job,he accepted a -------one.
7. His defeats are more glorious than his---------.
8. Life and-------are in God's hands.
9. Man proposes and God----------.
10. Man is mortal but the soul is---------.
11. Her innocence looked more like--------.
12. So strong was the-------that the enemy's attack failed.
13. Failures are the stepping-stones to------in life.
14. Life is full of both pleasure and--------.
15. Our loss is your---------.
16. He was loved by his juniors and------alike.
17. Freedom and-------- cannot exist together.
18. Though at first she denied,she at last------her guilt.
19. This cloth is not inferior but------to that.
20. India's imports exceed her--------.
21. Your remarks will not encourage but-----her.
22. Sometimes artificial flowers look like-----ones.
23. Stale bread makes us ill,so we must always eat----bread.
24. These scissors are sharp;those are--------.
25. Follow the path of virtue;not of---------.
26. I saw an ugly woman with a ------child in her arms.
27. Leaders must have-------.
28. Sometimes he was full of hope;at other times he was filled with------.
29. The descent of the mountain is easier than the-----.
30. Instead of being promoted,he was-------.

Exercise 110. Fill in the blank with a word opposite in meaning to the one printed in
                        italics :--

1. We prefer boys who are-----to those who are rude.
2. He likes cooked vegetables but she prefers----ones.
3. Boys who are-----succeed,those who are lazy fail.
4. Forgiveness is nobler than-------.
5. People admire those who are patient and----those who are-----.
6. We agree to------.
7. We prefer people who are------to those who are proud.
8. We------those who are-----and love those who are virtuous.
9. The innocent often suffer for the-------.
10. It is better to be an-----than to be a pessimist.
11. Natural flowers are prettier than----ones.
12. A dull morning sometimes ends in a -----evening.
13. To earn by fair means is not a sin,but to earn by ------means is a sin.
14. Though his pay was decreased,his expenses------.
15. He did not know the difference between right and---------.
16. Whether we win or---------,we must always play fair.
17. Life is full of comforts and----------.
18. Truth,if exaggerated,may become--------.
19. His clothes were clean but his shoes were--------.
20. They are-------people with the same name.
21. It is easier to------than to create.
22. Neither a lender nor a -----------be.
23. Things that are cheap in summer are-------in winter.
24. All these questions are not easy;some are rather--------.
25. His------always exceeded his income.
26. God made the-------and man made the town.
27. Her-----was as unexpected as her arrival.
28. He behaved in a------manner though he is known to be brave.
29. It is the question of supply and----------.
30. It is better to be thrifty than to be----------.