Monday, December 6, 2010



240. Read the sentences:-
        1) They always speak the truth.
        2) They always try to speak the truth.

      In sentence 1,the verb speak has they for its Subject;hence the Verb
      speak is limited  by Number and Person.It is therefore,a Finite verb.

      In sentence 2,to speak has no Subject and hence it is not limited by
      Number and Person.It simply names the action denoted by the Verb.
      It is called the Infinitive.

241. Read the folloing sentences :--

       1) To err is human.
       2) Peacock love to dance.
       3) To respect our parents is our duty.
       4) She refused to obey her husband.
       5) Many boys desire to win prizes.

       *) In sentence 1,the Infinitive to err,like a Noun,is the Subject of the
           Verb is.
       *) In sentence 2,the Infinitive to dance,like a Noun,is the Object of the
           verb love.
       *) In sentence 3,the Infinitive to respect,like a Noun ,is the subject of
           the Verb is but,like a verb,it also takes an Object(our parents).
       *) In sentence 4,teh Infinitive to obey,like a Noun,is the Object of the
           Verb refused,but,like a Verb,it also takes an Object(her husband).
       *) In sentence 5,the Infinitive to win,like a Noun,is the Object of the
           Verb desire,but,like  a Verb,it also takes an Object(prizes).
                 It will be seen that the Infinitive does the work of a Noun,for it
          can be the Subject of a Verb and the Object of a Transitive Verb.So
          the Infinitive is a Verb-Noun.

242. In the following sentences the Infinitive has been used as the Subject
        of a Finite Verb.
        1) To steal is wrong.
        2) To find fault is easy.
        3) To play with explosives is dangerous.
        4) To waste your time is foolish.
        5) To eat too much is harmful.

       *) These sentences look awkward.It is better to use a preparatory
           it as the Subject in each case.

NoIt+to be    Subject Complement   Subject

1.      It is               wrong                       to steal
2.      It is               easy                          to find fault
3.      It is               dangerous                to play with explosives.
4.      It is              foolish                       to waste your time.
5.      It is               harmful                    to eat too much.
6.      It was           useless                      to try again.
7.      It will be       wise                         to drive slowly.
8.      It would be   a mistake                 to ignore her advice.
9.      It is               impossible               to live without air.
10.    It is               difficult                   to convince her.
11.    It is               rude                        to interrupt others in conversation.
12.    It is               selfish                     to take more than one's share of food.
13.    It is               a shame                   to shout at women.
14.    It is               a pleasure                to talk to her.
15.    It is               an offence                to bribe a public servant.
16.    It is               possible                   to croos the river.
17.    It is               delightful                 to hear the sound of the sea.
18.    It was            fun                          to watch the antics of th clowns.

Exercise 71.Rewrite the following sentences,using the introductory
                     word 'it':-

       1). To cheat others is wrong.
       2). To climb Everest is very difficult.
       3). To waste your money is foolish.
       4). To call people names is not polite.
       5). To put things off until the last minute is not wise.
       6). To sit in the sun  on a cold day is pleasant.
       7). To read your handwriting is impossible.
       8). To betray your best friend is disgraceful.
       9). To bribe a public servant is a penal offence.
      10).To hear the sound of the sea is delightful.

243. Preparatory it is used when the Subject is the
        for+noun(or pronoun)+to-infinitive construction.

no  It+to be   Subject            for+(Noun or Pronoun Infinitive

1.   It was      hard                   for him                    to live on his small income.   
2.   It is         dangerous           for children                 to play with fire.
3.   It is         easy                    for a monkey               to climb trees.
4.   It is         rude                   for the young             to make fun of their elders.
5.   It is         foolish                for young boys             to keep long hair.
6.   It is         not safe              for children                  to play in the road.
7.   It was      impossible         for us                            to follow her speech.
8.   It is         difficult              for a deaf person          to hear.
9.   It is         absurd               for you                          to quarrel with a lady.
10. It was      the rule              for boys and girls.        to study together.
11. Is it         the custom         for the women      to wear veils in your country?
12. It was      a mistake          for us                            to ignore her advice.
13. It is          a shame            for you                          to gossip about us.
14. It would   a pleasure         for us                            to be present at the party.
15. It would   a pity                for us                            to cancel the party.

Exercise 72. Complete the following sentences by using infinitive phrases :--

   1. Is it safe-------?
   2. It is pleasant------
   3. It is a pleasure-----
   4. It is not easy-------
   5. It was not fair-----
   6. It is a shame-------
   7. It is dangerous-----
   8. It is foolish-------
   9. It is a mistake------
 10. It was impossible---
 11. It is wrong----------
 12. It is fun--------------

244. We sometimes have also the following pattern :

        It is(was)+adjective/of+noun or pronoun denoting the person or
         persons+infinitive or infinitive construction denoting the action.

No. It+to be    Adjective   of+(Noun or Pronoun)  Infinitive

1.    It was       very kind   of your uncle              to give us a lift in his car.
2.    It was       foolish        of her                          to reject the offer.
3.    It is           good          of your parents           to invite us to the party.
4.    It was       brave         of him                          to rescue the child from
5.    It would   stupid        of us                            to refuse the offer.
6.    It was       generous   of your brother         to send  me this present.
7.    It was       cruel          of these boys             to throw stones at birds.
8.    It was       wrong        of me                         to blame her.
9.    It was       mean          of him                       to beat his wife.
10.  It was     quite right   of the maste             to punish the servant for
11.  It was     cowardly      of him                     to strike a poor beggar.
12.  It was     extremely     of her                     to take all the sweets and
                      selfish                                           leave none  for the rest of us.

Exercise 73. Complete the following sentences,by using Infinitive
                      constructions :--

   1. It is dangerous for children-------
   2. It is rude for the young------------
   3. It was impossible for us-----------
   4. Is it a custom for the women-------?
   5. It is a shame for him--------------
   6. It would be a pleasure for us----
   7. It is absurd for you---------------
   8. It was very cowardly of him-----
   9. It is mean of you------------------
  10. It was generous of them--------
  11. It was very selfish of John-----
  12. It was very thoughtful of out hostess----

245. Preparatory it is used with seem  and appear when the Subject is an
        Infinitive Phrase.

No. It+verb      Subject Complement       Subject

1.    It seemed                  impossible          to go on.
2.    It seems                    a pity               not to make use of her influence.
3.    It seemed(to me)     a great mistake  to fight against such heavy odds.
4.    It appeared(to me)  a bold plan        to capture the fort at night.
5.    It didn't seem           much use           for us to try to catch the
                                                                    5 o'clock train.

246. Verbs in this pattern are used with a to+infinitive

                         Group A
    *) In this table the Infinitive is one of purpose or aim.

No Subject+Verb           to+Infinitive,etc.

1.   We eat                        to live.
2.   They stopped             to have a rest.
3.   He called                   to see my brother.
4.   I am waiting              to hear your views.
5.   I come                        to bury Caesar,not to praise him.
6.   He went                     to buy some milk.
7.   He's gone out            to buy some cigarettes.
8.   She went                    to see the Exhibition.
9.   We stood up              to greet her.
10. They got up               to salute the flag.
11. She longed                 to accompany us.
12. The children ran      to help their mother.
13. They agreed              to help us.
14. Don't hesitate            to speak the truth.
15. The team failed         to score a goal.

                   Group B
     *)In this table the Infinitive indicates result or outcome.

No. Subject+Verb             to+Infinitive,etc.

1.     She came                    to see the result of her misdeeds.
2.     How did he come       to know of that?
3.     How can I get            to know her?
4.     She lived                     to be eighty.
5.     You will live               to regret it.
6.     Will he live                 to finish his great work?
7.     The news proved        to be false.

247.The present progressive tense of go is used to indicate
        (1) likelihood or probability (as in example 1-6).
        (2) intention (as in example 7-13).
        (3) future time (as in examples 14 and 15).

NoSubject+be going       to+Infinitive,etc.

1.     It's going                      to rain this evening.
2.     Is this shortage  of      
        sugar going                  to continue?
3.    I think I'm going          to have flu.
4.    I'm afraid I'm not         to pass the examination.
5.    The work is going        to be more difficult than I expected.
6.    We are going            to suffer more losses this year than we did last year. 
7.     We are going               to buy a new radio set?
8.    Where are you             to spend your holidays?
9.    Our country is             to grow more food this year.
10.  Are you going              to take the examination?
11.  Are you going              to learn French and German?
12.  When is she going        to marry her cousin?
13.  I'm  going                     to finish this work before four o'clock.
14.  I'm going                      to tell you a story.
15.  Mira is going               to have a baby.

248. Adjectives  such as easy,hard,difficult,good and comfortable are followed
         by an active,not a passive Infinitive.

No. Subject+Verb              Adjective           to+Infinitive

1.    Apples are                     good                  to eat.
2.    This water is                 good                   to drink.
3.    This fruit is                    bad                    to eat.
4.    This word is                 hard                   to pronounce.
5.    English is                      easy                    to learn.
6.    His speech is                 difficult              to follow.
7.    These shoes are            comfortable       to wear.
8.    This book is                  easy                    to read.
9.    The parcel was             heavy                 to carry.
10.  Her tale was                 interesting         to hear.
11.  The destruction was     horrible             to see.

249. Also note the following:--
       1). I shall be glad to help you.
       2). I am anxious to help her.
       3). We are willing to accept her offer.
       4). We are afraid to do it.

Exercise 74. Match the group in(b) with suitable clauses in (a):--

Example:- This powder is sweet to taste.

           (a)                                                   (b)

1. This powder is sweet                       to live in.
2. This coffee is hot                              to look at.
3. This book is interesting                   to believe.
4. These  mangoes are good                to translate.
5. His speech was difficult                   to pronounce.
6. This box is heavy                              to taste.
7. The rose is beautiful                        to drink.
8. that woollen coat is warm               to eat.
9. This passage is difficult                   to lift.
10. Her story is hard                            to read.
11. These words are difficult               to follow.
12. Our house is very pleasant            to wear.

250. Verbs given in this pattern maybe  followed by a Noun or Indefinite
        Pronoun and to and Infinitive.The Noun or Pronoun may be qualified
        by an Adjective.

No. Subject+verb       Adjective             to+Infinitive

1.    He has                  some paper          to write on.
2.    He has                  a pen                    to write with.
3.    She has                 some books          to read.
4.    They had              no chairs             to sit on.
5.    The children had no shoes               to wear.
6.    I want                   something            to eat.
7.    Haven' you           anything              to do?
8.    She had                 nothing                to say.
9.    Can't you find      something useful to do?
10.  I haven't               anything               to wear.
11.  Isn't there             anything more     to look at?
12.  He had                 nothing new          to say on the subject.
13.  She wants             somebody              to talk to.

251. The for+noun(or pronoun)+to-infinitive construction is also used.

No. Subject+Verb  Noun or Pronoun  for+Noun      to+infinitive
                                                               (or pronoun)

1.    Haven't you      any apples           for the children    to eat?
2.    Haven't you      anything              for me                   to do?
3.    I must find        somebody             for you                 to play tennis with.
4.    There are         no good books     for girls                 to read in this library.
5.    There's             nothing suitable  for children           to read in this book.


252. To is very commonly used with the Infinitive,but it is not a necessary sign
         of the Infinitive.The folliwng Verbs take the Infinitive without to.

       (1) The Principal verbs:--Can,must,let,make,bid,dare,please,need,
                and also Verbs denoting some kind of perception;see,feel,hear,
                know,watch etc.

           >) He can run very fast [=He is able to run very fast].
           >) You must go              [=You are commanded to go].
           >) Let him stand there.
           >) I bade him go there.        >) Please go there.    
           >) You need not go there.   >) Make her sit.
           >) You dare not do it.          >) I saw him win the race.
           >) I felt him touch me.         >) I heard her sing.
           >) Bid him do it.

NOTE:-In Affirmative sentences to is generally used after the Verb dare;as,
              >) He dared to defy me.            >) He dared to oppose her.

           (2) The Auxiliary Verbs:--Do,shall,will,may,might,should,would.
                 >) He does not like her.
                 >) Will you come with me?
                 >) We eat that we may live.
            Also when they are used as Principal Verbs.
            1). You may go [=you are allowed to go].
            2). I will do it     {=I am willing to do it].
            3). He shall go   [=He is compelled to go].

    (3) The Infinitive without to is used after had better,had rather,had sooner,
          would rather,sooner than,had rather than;as,

 >) You had better read this book.
 >) I would rather die than suffer all this.
 >) I had rather dance than sing.
 >) I had sooner run than work.

(4) To before the Infinitive is omitted after than,and after
     but in the sense of' except ';as,

   >) She is better able to sing than dance.
   >) She did no more than weep.
   >) She did nothing but laugh and sing.

253.  It is possible to join two sentences together by using
                                       an Infinitive :--

      1. He has some bills.he must pay them.
          He has some bills to pay.
      2. He has six children.He must provide for them.
          He has six children to provide for.
      3. The strikers held a meeting.They  wished to discuss the terms of the employers.
          The strikers held a meeting to discuss the terms of the employers.
      4. He wanted to educate his son.He sent him to America.
          He sent his son  to America to be educated.
      5. He was very tired.He could not go any further.
          He was too tired to go any further.

Exercise 75. State how the Infinitive is used in the following sentences :--

         1. To speak the truth is your first duty.
         2. He tried to help his friend.
         3. He refused to obey my orders.
         4. He promised to help me.
         5. We hope to hear good news.
         6. To play cards is his great delight.
         7. There wa not a moment to be lost.
         8. These mangoes are not good to eat.
         9. I heard her sing.
        10. I am sorry to hear this.
        11. He is slow to forget.
        12. To forgive is divine.
        13. My desire is to help her.
        14. I come to bury Caesar,not to praise him.
        15. I am not afraid to speak the truth.
        16. To toil is the lot of mankind.
        17. She was quick to see through his game.
        18. Everybody wishes to become rich.
        19. Her greatest pleasure is to dance.
        20. They always try to find fault with me.

Exercise 76. Combine the following pairs of sentences by using Infinitive :--

        1. I speak the truth.I am not afraid of it.
        2. Health is very important.It must not be neglected.
        3. He has a large family.he must support it.
        4. He cannot afford  a motor-car.He is very poor.
        5. I heard of his good fortune.I was glad of that.
        6. Your parents will hear of your success.They will be delighted.
        7. He wants to win the first prize.He works very hard for that purpose.
        8. He is very honourable.He will not break his word.
        9. His friend went to Agra yesterday.His object was to visit the Taj.
       10.Everyone should do his duty.India expects this of every man.
       11. She visits the poor.She is keen to remove their sufferings.
       12. She collects old stamps.This is her favourite hobby.
       13. She had no money.She could not help the poor.
       14. She is very ill.She cannot do  any work.
       15. He is going to Delhi,He will start business there.
       16. Your sister had not enough industry.She could not win a prize.
       17. He wants to serve his country.This is his greatest desire.
       18. He went to the hills.He wanted to improve his shattered health.
       19. We should respect our parents.This is our duty.
       20. You should not play with explosives.It is dangerous.



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