Monday, November 22, 2010




                                    1.  DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS

132. Read the following sentences:---

         >) This is a present from my sister.
         >) These are merely excuses.
         >) Both books are good but this is better than that.
         >) The windows of this room are larger than those(=windows) of the office.
         >) He is a fool,and as such(=a fool) must be pitied.
         >) Yonder is the palace of the King.
         >) He will do the same as you(=that which you do).
*) It will be noticed that in these sentences the Pronouns in italics are used to
    point out the objects to which they refer.They are, therefore,called
   Demonstrative Pronouns.

133. Carefully distinguish between :---
         1) A Demonstrative Pronoun which stands for a Noun.
         2) A Demonstrative Adjective which goes with a Noun.

   Adjectives :  Give this gift to that fellow.
                       Those men were  not present in that place.
                       These flowers are mine;those flowers are yours.
                       This cycle is better than that cycle.
                       He is the same man I saw an hour ago.
                       Such men are dangerous.

Pronouns :   This is a gift from her.
                     That is just what he wants.
                     These are merely excuses.
                     Those are the very words.
                     He is the same as he ever was.
                     Such were his very words.

134. This,  that,  these,  those.   Their uses are as follows:--

1)  When two Nouns have been mentioned in a previous sentence or clause,
     this refers to the thing last mentioned and that to the thing first mentioned;as,

>) Work and play are both necessary to health;this(=play) exercises the body,and
     that(=work) exercises the brain
>) Cows and horses are both useful animals;these(=horses)  carry us from one
    place to another ,and those(=cows) give us milk.

2) The word that together with its Plural  form those is used as a substitute
     for a single  Noun previously mentioned;as,

>) The climate of Pune is bettr than that(=climate) of Bombay.
>) The streets of Delhi are wider than those(=streets) of Bombay.

135. One,  ones,  none. :---
 >) When the Antecedent Noun is in the Singular Number,we use one;
 >)  When the Antecedent Noun is Plural, we use ones.
 >) None is a shortened form of 'not one'.

*) He won a medal last year;but he did not win one(=a medal) this time. 
     ( Singular)

*) There are thirty small boys and twenty big ones(=boys) in our class.
      ( Plural)

*) You have a pen,but  have none (=not one).

                       2.INDEFINITE PRONOUNS

136. Study the following sentences :---

       >) One cannot say when war will break out.
       >) One must be careful about what one(not he) says.
       >) One must do one's(not his) duty.
       >) None but the brave deserve the fair.
       >) Some are born great.All are not born rich.
       >) Somebody has stolen my book.
       >) Nobody was there to save the drowing child.
       >) Do to others as you wish to be done by.
       >) Few were hurt.Many escaped.
       >) Everybody's business is nobody's business.
       >) Anybody could have done it.
       >) Everyone believed her.

*) All the Pronouns in italics in the above sentences are used indefinitely.
    They do not refer to any person or thing in particular.
    There are,therefore,called Indefinite Pronouns.

137. The Indefinite Pronoun one,if used in a sentence,should be 
        used throughout.
        >) One should take care of one's(not his ) health.
        >) One should love one's(not his) country.

138. Anybody ,everybody, anyone,everyone,each,etc.are followed by he or she 
      according to the context;as,

       >) He helped everyone of his class-fellows in his studies.
       >) I helped everyone of the girls in her studies.
 But when the sex is not clear,we use  the Pronoun of the Masculine Gender;as,
        >) If anybody helps me ,I shall be thankful to him.
        >) Everybody must have his say.
        >) Everyone has his own ideas on the subject.
        >) Anyone can win the prize if he tries for it.
        >) Let each do his duty.

                  3. DISTRIBUTIVE PRONOUNS

139. Study the following sentences:--

        >) Each of us will get a share.
        >) Each of the women was given a prize.
        >) Either of these two girls may win the prize.
        >) Neither of the statements is true.

 Each,either,neither are called DIstributibe Pronouns because they show 
that the persons  or things are taken singly or in separate groups.
They are always Singular and  are,therefore,followed by the Verb in the Singular.

140. Compare the following sentences:--

Distributive Adjectives                         Distributive Pronouns
>) Each boy won the prize.                >) Each of the boys won a prize.
>) Neither statement is true.              >) Neither of the charges is just.
>) Either road leads to the station     >) Either of you can stay.

                       >)     CORRECT USAGE

141. Each shows that every one or two or more persons or things is meant;as,

       >) Each of the ten boys was fined.
       >) Each of the two cows gives ten litres of milk.

       *)  Either is strictlt used to denote one of two persons or things;as,
           >) Either of these two boys may stand first.

       *) Neither is the negative of either and means  none of the two;as,
           >) Neither of the two servants told the truth.

NOTE:-- When more than two persons or things are meant, any,no one, 
               or none should be used; as,
              >) I did not buy either of the three pens 
                       [should be anyone].
              >) Neither of the three pictures was good
                       [should be not one].
              >) He was healthier than either of his five brothers
                       [should be anyone].

                        4.RECIPROCAL PRONOUNS

142. Read the following sentences :---

       >) The two sisters  loved each other very dearly.
       >) Little children love  one another.
 *)  Each  other and one another wre called Reciprocal Pronouns,
      because  they denote mutual action.

143. Each other is generally used when two persons or things are referred to,
        and one another  when  more than two persons or things are referred to;
        but this rule is not strictly observed even by the best writers.

    >) The two brothers quarrelled with one another
              ( should be each other).
    >) All the mmbers of the  family quarrelled with each other
               (should be one another).

                   5.INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNS

14. Study the following sentences :---

         >) Who are you? what do you want?
         >) Which of these pens is yours?
         >) Who spoke? what did he say?
         >) Which is the house?Whom do you want?
         >) Which do you prefer?Which is your sister?
         >) Who stands there? What is the matter?
         >) What will my neighbours think of me?
         >) Of whom do you speak?To whom do you refer?

 All these sentences ask questions,and the force of the questions is
 in the words  who,what, which,whom.

    These are Pronouns : They stand for Nouns : 
    Who=what man or woman?  What= what things?
    Which=which things or persons?  they are called Interrogative Pronouns
    because they are used for asking questions.

145. Carefully distinguish between an Interrogative Pronoun and an
        Interrogative Adjective  Remember the function of each. The Adjective
       goes with a Noun; the Pronoun stands for a Noun.

   *) Interrogtive Adjectives            *) Interrogative Pronouns
   >) which pen do you prefer?       >) Which of these books do you prefer?
   >) which way shall we take?        >) Which is your brother?
   >) what song are you singing?     >) What is she singing?
   >) what sort of man is he?           >) What shall we eat?

146. In the following sentences,the Interrogative Pronouns are used in 
        asking Indirect Questions; as,
        >) I asked who she was.
        >) Tell me what you have written.
        >) Tell me what you want to have.

                   >)  CORRECT USAGE

147. Who:--    Who is used of persons only;as,
                  >) Who did this? who knocks at the door?
                  >) Who stands there? Who is your friend?
                  >) Whose is this pen? whom have I offended?

148. Which Which is used of inanimate things, i.e., things without life, of 
                     persons and of animals as,
                     >) Which is the merchant here,and which the jew?
                     >) Which of these pens is yours?which will you take?
                     >) Which is your brother?Which are your dolls?
                     >) Which is the general?Which of the girls saw me?
                     >) Which of your cows is ill?

149. What What is used of things only;as,
                    >) What do you want? What has she found?
                    >) What did she say? What is better than health?
                    >) What is the use of crying over spilt milk?

NOTE:_- In such sentences as," What is your father?"  " what is she?" 
                the word What does not refer to person but to the profession
                person follows.The answer should be: " My father is a
                doctor"; " She is a nurse."

Exercise 39. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the Interrogative pronoun :---

                1). ------------rang th bell?
                2). --------------did you give my message to?
                3). ------------advised you to do this?
                4) Of---------was she speaking?
                5). ------------made the highest score?
                6). ------------will you take?
                7). -----------do you want?
                8). -----------of these books is hers?
                9). -----------------of the boys can sing well?
               10). -------------of you has broken the slate?
               11).------------have you decided to do?
               12).--------- do you refer ,health or wealth?
               13). -----------is the horse I am to sell?
               14). -----------shall we  eat and-------shall we drink?
               15).------------do you think, is to blame?
               16). By --------- was this novel written?
               17). ------------,do you think, is honest?
               18). ------------, do you think to be honest?
               19). ------------is better ,character or riches?
               20). -----------of these pens will you take?

Exercise 40. Correct the following sentences:---

               1). The climate of Delhi is better than Bombay.
               2). Our soldiers were better organised than of the enemies.
               3). One must not praise his achievements.
               4). Everybody is disconnected with their lot in life.
               5). Everybody has their own ideas on co-education.
               6). The two  brothers quarrelled with one another
               7). They all gave evidence against each other.
               8). I did not buy either of the three pictures.
               9). Neither of the three books was worth reading.
              10). One hardly knows what to do with himself.
              11). Each person did their own work.
              12). Not one of the party injured themselves.
              13). The size and quality of this mirror are as important  as that of the other.
              14). You may have either of these five mangoes.
              15). I prefer black horses to brown.



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